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General First Dating Advice and Online Dating Advice


Going on a first date with someone is, as we all know, a nerve wracking experience, but we all have to start from somewhere. However, with the right state of mind, the right dating and relationship advice. The  location and outfit are the only thing to worry about and whether the other person is the mate for you (or worthy of a second meeting).

Here you will find a few bullet points and then some more detailed online dating advice (which may seem obvious but is easily ignored) on how to avoid unnecessary uncomfortable situations which can result in an anti-climax, and of course to ensure you have a good time and a good sense of what it is that is sitting in front of you:

Dating Tip 1.
Convert in your mind the feelings of nerves to excitement
Dating Tip 2.
Look (feel) comfortable and presentable (clean and tidy)
Dating Tip 3.

Dating Tip 4.
Be aware of yours and the other persons body language (it communicates at least 50% of what we really mean)

Dating Tip 5.Don't talk about your future together

Dating Tip 6.,
Don't drink too much alcohol (you loose your clear sense  of  judgment and can make easy mistakes)


Dating Tip 7.
If you smoke, Don’t chain smoke (it shows insecurity and is unattractive), if the other person is a non-smoker be considerate.


 Dating Tip 8.
Avoid talking about negative stuff, the first date is not a platform for moaning, you are there to have a good time.


Dating Tip 9.
Don't share too much personal information about yourself on the first meeting, mysteriousness is sexy and exciting, besides it's never advisable to open your soul to a stranger.

Dating Tip 10.
Remember you arranged a date not a therapy session.
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Dating Tip 11.
Be in the moment don't let eyes wander- it's rude.

Dating Tip12.
Most important be yourself (with a spark) because yourself is what you will always be.


The meeting place
It is always better to know where you're going, meeting and then deciding can be an adventurous shared experience but not advised for a first date. If the other hasn't suggested take the initiative on setting a time and place (a strong character trait opportunity being exposed at the same time). Comfort is the number one key to a good date, therefore the the suggested place should be one where you can feel at ease. Your local or usual hang outs however is a bad idea as there is a bigger chance you may be distracted by people you know and make the other person feel as if he is imposing on your territory.

For a first date it is advisable to choose something light-hearted such as lunch or coffee. It eases the pressure from the male who doesn't yet know you and might assume an expensive dinner is the key to wooing the lady - and both of you may find yourself in a place that doesn't really compliment who you really are. Day time meetings can easily eliminate awkward situations and temptations of inviting one back to house for "desert"- (a first date no go, however strong the sexual desire may be).

It is important too to choose a place where conversation can be heard easily without having to strain the vocal chords, though a place too quite might make one feel as if they are being listened too and self consciousness and paranoia make kick in.

Going to the movies on a first date with a stranger is a myth which needs to be busted, it's anti social and the last thing you'll be thinking about is the movie, more like "can he/she hear my bowl movements in this silence?".

Conversation There is nothing more painstaking than long silences between two people who hardly know each other. First of all if this happens try and relax, otherwise nothing will come to mind to talk about, it too is not an opportunity to start downing a drink-if you seem nervous it will make the other feel nervous too.

There is no doubt in the fact that we all like to talk about ourselves, it is one area in which we are the number one experts and no one can argue that. Nonetheless ranting on about oneself on a first date can come across as self obsessive and that is not a very attractive characteristic.

If you are going on a date with someone to get to know them then the best way to do so is by asking them questions, showing interest in them and opening up opportunities of discussions on topics which come up as a result. Saying that is more important to listen to what is being said and only after the other person has finished then a response is appropriate.

There is nothing ruder than asking a question and then interrupting. Avoid being preoccupied with what you are going to say next, this obstructs you from listening as as a result responding relevantly. Showing interest in someone else is showing attentiveness, good conversation skills and confidence and you get the bonus of learning more



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